What Is the Most Common Cause of Pulsatile Tinnitus?

What Is the Most Common Cause of Pulsatile Tinnitus

Common Cause of Pulsatile Tinnitus

What Is the Most Common Cause of Pulsatile Tinnitus? Let’s talk about this topic that many of us might have experienced or heard about. For those of you who are not aware, pulsatile tinnitus refers to hearing a rhythmic sound in your ears that coincides with your heartbeat. It can be quite annoying and unsettling, but fret not! We’re here to shed some light on the most common cause of pulsatile tinnitus.

Now, before we dive into the nitty-gritty details, let’s start by understanding why this condition occurs. Pulsatile tinnitus occurs when there is the perception of sound in the ears or head that is synchronous with the pulse. It’s like having your heartbeat play a little drum solo in your ears. While it may sound bizarre, it’s actually more common than you might think.

After conducting some research, it has been found that the most common cause of pulsatile tinnitus is related to the blood flow in and around the ears. The underlying condition that often leads to this pesky symptom is known as vascular tinnitus. In simple terms, it is caused by changes in blood flow or blood vessels near the ear.

The Primary Culprits Behind Pulsatile Tinnitus

One of the primary culprits behind pulsatile tinnitus is a condition called arteriovenous malformation (AVM). This condition occurs when there is an abnormal connection between arteries and veins, disrupting the normal blood flow. The irregularity in blood flow can result in the rhythmic sound heard during pulsatile tinnitus.

Another common cause is atherosclerosis, which is the buildup of fatty deposits in the arteries. These deposits can cause narrowing or blockages in blood vessels, affecting the flow and leading to pulsatile tinnitus. Imagine your artery playing the drums instead of delivering necessary nutrients to your body.

Moreover, high blood pressure can also be a factor contributing to pulsatile tinnitus. When your blood pressure is consistently high, it puts extra pressure on your blood vessels, causing them to become more rigid and potentially affecting the blood flow in your ears. So, if you’ve been neglecting your health and experiencing a ringing in your ears, it might be a good time to get your blood pressure checked.

Abnormal Blood Vessel Structure

Another cause worth mentioning is turbulent blood flow, which can be a result of things like atherosclerosis or abnormal blood vessel structure. The irregular flow of blood can create audible sounds and manifest as pulsatile tinnitus in your ears.

While these are the most common causes of pulsatile tinnitus related to blood flow, it’s important to remember that other factors such as ear infections, tumors, or even head and neck trauma can also lead to this condition. Thus, it is vital to consult a medical professional for an accurate diagnosis.


Now that we have a better understanding of the most common cause of pulsatile tinnitus, we can begin to address it appropriately. Remember, knowledge is power, and being informed about our health conditions can lead to better management and peace of mind. So, if you ever find yourself drumming along to the beat of your own heartbeat in your ears, get yourself checked out and take control of your auditory health.

14 thoughts on “What Is the Most Common Cause of Pulsatile Tinnitus?”

  1. Thanks to Karl Angelina which I met on YouTube, who introduce me to Dr. Gbenga on this illness that gave me so much concern, today am completely cured from tinnitus using same herbal mixture, all thanks to Dr. Gbenga for helping lives to recover in this Era.

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  4. Idk if I have it but I stayed up all night tonight wondering who was walking upstairs all night I realized it was my heart beat it was in my left ear and good old google diagnosed me with this so yeah- I dont know if I have it? Is it bad?

  5. I am adding this here as I've watched many of your helpful videos not seen one on what my issue is I have had tinnitus for many years but now I also have a fluttering sound in my left ear for the past week it never goes away it is very erratic but constant I went to the doctor and they said there's nothing wrong with my ear. I do have TMJ as well figured I should mention that as well. Please help I am loosing my mind the only way I can fall asleep is to stick my finger in my ear and press my ear closed as it makes the fluttering go away. But I soon wake back up as I am not pressing it after I fall asleep any longer

  6. I posted my story on
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  7. How ya doin! Have you heard about – Durston Magic Tinnitus Eradicator (search on google)? Ive heard some amazing things about it and my cousin said ta ta to the tinnitus problem with it.

  8. Alright there! Have you thought about – Durston Magic Tinnitus Eradicator (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now)? Ive heard some amazing things about it and my friend Sam after a lifetime of fighting kissed good bye to the tinnitus problem with it.

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  10. Hi Laura, I'm wishing the best for your brother, but I'm wondering what caused his pulsatile tinnitus. Was it always with him or did something happen that caused it? For me, I was assaulted and had a skull fracture right above my left ear. Now I can hear my pulse beating on the left side of my head.

    I'm wondering what he has done to help reduce the pulsing sound, if any. Can he exercise? Because my tinnitus causes me to be dizzy when I try to run. I'm wondering if he's experienced this too.


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