What is the New Treatment for Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension?

What is the New Treatment for Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension? Dr. Eugene Could Discusses Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Analysis and Therapy
Swedish Neuroscience Institute, Neuro-Ophthalmology
Seattle, WA


What is the New Treatment for Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension?

24 thoughts on “What is the New Treatment for Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension?”

  1. I believe I am dealing with IIH since my #2 moderna covid vaccine in June. Done lots of tests but have to see a neurologist next. It never goes away and when the pressure is bad is debilitating.

  2. This guy is missing the point, what causes this problem, I have these symptoms and more, I weigh 120 pounds it’s not a weight issue, I believe it’s from neck instability, as soon as I get some extra money I’m going to CARING MEDICAL INSTITUTE they treat this problem with PROLOTHERAPY and of course Medicare won’t pay for it.

  3. I’ve lost 40lbs and my vision, tinnitus, pressure and pain is worse than ever. If I laughs too much it immobilizes me from the pain inside my head and I feel like I can’t move. My original state at time of diagnosis is more preferable at this point

  4. Once again the stigma of being overweight is used as a default diagnosis. It took me almost 3 years to get my Cushings disease diagnosed, it causes extreme weight gain in some. Sometimes there is a medical reason for weight gain.

  5. I developed iih after taking a prescribed medication that specifically says do not give to patients with previous head injury. I was never given medication to treat the pressure issue, they did two lumbar punctures, screwed up the second one, still to date need a blood patch because the surgery for the blood patch was the same day last year they started suspending what pennsylvania called, non life threatening appointments. At this point my right eye is so sensitive to the touch that it feels like it's about to pop out of my skull and the headaches are so severe that it's debilitating. I wish there was some way I could come see you guys for treatment. The eye issues, headaches, pulsating tinnitus and so on is absolutely unbearable. Oh and because of the lack of treatment I have been told I have developed two lesions on my brain.

  6. i’ve seen multiple doctors, and been told i have all the symptoms with a larger blind spot which i was told cause be caused by pressure, then completely saw a different doctor 2 days ago and was told it was anxiety??? like excuse me i’m in agony most of the time.

  7. Has anyone else had a hard time getting diagnosed with IIH. I have had two different doctors tell me they think I have it because of my symptoms but I still haven’t been able to get the lumbar puncture done because the hospital won’t call me back! I don’t know what to do!! I have been battling symptoms for 3 months now and just recently my vision has started darkening but I still can’t get the lumbar puncture schedule! I don’t know what to do at this point!

  8. Has anyone who had double vision because of IIH and taken Acetazolamide (Diamox) and can tell me when they noticed improvement?

    I’ve only been taking them for a few days but my double vision isn’t getting better (maybe even worse?) and it’s really stressing me out. I really fear going blind 🙁

  9. As atrophy occurs sometimes from a swollen optic nerve, how do you view this when a patient already has atrophy? Specifically… my extremely rare history. I had bilateral RB was treatments with 23 radiation treatments. Left eye was also enucleated. I am constantly told that I can be lumped in with the number of patients with IIH without optic nerve swelling. I have had many LPs with OP of about 25-36. Not very high, but enough that the pressure(not migraines) disrupts daily life. More to this, but with my history I am a person that loves science. My retina specialist and prior pediatric ophthalmologist believe that with an atrophy that my nerve can’t swell. I personally know that the peripheral test isn’t good as I have adapted to having one eye and deep set eye sockets that my results are average but true reality being that I rely heavily on peripheral vision due to the atrophy and vision loss in my central vision. Lol. A subject I can go in about. Just curious about your views and/or experience. 🙂

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