Hearing Aids VS. Cochlear Implants: Completely Different Devices

Hearing Aids VS. Cochlear Implants. Individuals confuse these two very completely different units on a regular basis! I had listening to aids beginning on the age of two and bought a cochlear implant surgical procedure at age 20, so I believe I’ve somewhat expertise differentiating the 2. Hope this helps!

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Hearing Aids VS. Cochlear Implants

Instagram: @chrissymarshall_
TikTok: @chrissymarshall_

DISCLAIMER: I’m sharing MY private experiences as a deaf particular person and private opinions. I purpose to be as welcoming as potential, however my viewpoint doesn’t characterize the opinions of everybody within the deaf neighborhood. My content material displays my private opinions ONLY, please bear in mind everybody’s experiences are numerous.


16 thoughts on “Hearing Aids VS. Cochlear Implants: Completely Different Devices”

  1. I have a hearing aid on my left ear and a cochlear on my right ear. Soon going get my second cochlear. And a lot time at my school. People thinks I have just hearing aid and they try to talk to me . But I don't hear because I can hear better on my cochlear side. And can't hear good on my hearing aid side. And they be like oh I'm sorry or ugh whatever. But it depend on what helps YOU. So this video really explained it. Thanks Chrissy 💗

  2. Hi Chrissy, its great to see you are making videos more frequently! I am a deaf ToD for mainstreamed deaf students, and my students really enjoy and benefit from your videos – thank you for what you do!

  3. Thanks for sharing this information Chrissy! I didn't realize that receiving a cochlear implant would remove residual hearing – but it makes sense that it would. I learned something new today! ❤️

  4. chrissy!!! i've been following you for a while and today i just found out i am very very likely to be receiving a CI for my single sided deafness!!! i'm excited to finally be able to hear in both ears again- are there any things you wish you would've known before surgery? is there anything you recommend researching or looking up? i'd love to know :D!! thank you for making the content you do

  5. Hello, thank you for your video. My son (3) has EVA, he wears hearing aids, and we are learning ASL. Recently he has had a drop in his hearing and the ENT recommended we see a CI specialist for an evaluation. Chrissy, I’ve been following you since we found out about our son. Could you give us the pros/cons of your decision to get the CI? Have you experienced any shaming or negativity from either hearing or Deaf communities since? Thank you.

  6. This was very educational ! Thank you so much 🙏 what ressources Can I use to learn more about this subject ? It was weird to hear that robot voice instead of yours but it's okay if you feel more comfortable this way 👍💕


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