Starkey Livio Edge Ai Hearing Aid Review: Amazing Technology

Starkey Livio Edge Ai Hearing Aid Review

Livio Edge AI Hearing Aid

This article is about Starkey Livio Edge Ai Hearing Aid Review. Starkey Livio Edge AI Hearing Aid is a type of hearing aid that uses advanced artificial intelligence technology to provide a better hearing experience for individuals with hearing loss. The device is designed to be comfortable, discreet, and customizable to fit each user’s unique needs. The Livio Edge AI uses sensors to detect the user’s environment and adjust settings accordingly, providing better sound quality and clarity in various situations. It also has features such as language translation, fall detection, and virtual assistant integration to improve the user’s overall experience.

Additionally, the device can be connected to a smartphone app that allows users to adjust settings and personalize their hearing experience. The Starkey Livio Edge AI is available in a range of styles, including behind-the-ear and in-the-ear options.

Do you need Livio Edge Ai Hearing Aid?

Are you someone who is hard of hearing and wants to live your life to the fullest without feeling left out? If yes, then you are in the right place. The Starkey Livio Edge AI hearing aid is a state-of-the-art device that is designed to provide exceptional sound quality and clarity. This hearing aid comes with a range of features that can help you to hear better and stay connected to the world around you. It is packed with cutting-edge technology that makes it one of the most advanced hearing aids available on the market.

Design and Comfort

The Starkey Livio Edge AI hearing aid has a sleek and modern design that looks stylish and feels comfortable to wear. It comes in a variety of colors and styles, allowing you to choose the one that suits your taste and personality. The device is also very lightweight, making it easy to wear for long periods without feeling discomfort.


The Starkey Livio Edge AI hearing aid comes with a range of features that make it stand out from other hearing aids on the market. Some of its most notable features include:

Edge Mode

The Edge mode is a feature that allows you to hear sounds from all directions. It uses artificial intelligence to identify and amplify the sounds that matter most to you, making it easier to hear conversations in noisy environments.

Thrive Assistant

The Thrive Assistant is a feature that allows you to control your hearing aid using your smartphone. You can adjust the volume, change the program, and access other features using the Thrive app.

Fall Detection

The Fall Detection feature is a safety feature that can detect if you fall and alert your emergency contacts. This can give you and your loved ones peace of mind, knowing that you are protected in case of an emergency.

Language Translation

The Language Translation feature is a game-changer for those who struggle with language barriers. This feature can translate over 27 different languages, making it easier to communicate with people from different parts of the world.

Voice Commands

The Voice Commands feature allows you to control your hearing aid using your voice. You can ask it to adjust the volume, change the program, or even get directions using your favorite virtual assistant.


The Starkey Livio Edge AI hearing aid is designed to provide exceptional sound quality and clarity. It uses advanced technology to reduce background noise and enhance speech clarity, making it easier to hear conversations in noisy environments. It also has a long battery life, lasting up to 20 hours on a single charge.


The Starkey Livio Edge AI hearing aid has a range of benefits that make it a great choice for those who are hard of hearing. Some of its most notable benefits include:

Improved Quality of Life

The Starkey Livio Edge AI hearing aid can help you to hear better and stay connected to the world around you. This can improve your quality of life and help you to feel more confident and independent.

Personalized Sound

The Starkey Livio Edge AI hearing aid uses artificial intelligence to identify and amplify the sounds that matter most to you. This means that you can enjoy a personalized listening experience that is tailored to your specific needs.

Enhanced Safety

The Fall Detection feature can detect if you fall and alert your emergency contacts. This can give you and your loved ones peace of mind, knowing that you are protected in case of an emergency.

Better Communication

The Language Translation feature can translate over 27 different languages, making it easier to communicate with people from.

Hope you get a good overview of of this amazing hearing aid through our Starkey Livio Edge Ai Hearing Aid Review. This device is available in the company’s website here.

47 thoughts on “Starkey Livio Edge Ai Hearing Aid Review: Amazing Technology”

  1. I have the custom Via Edge Earing aid – great for listening to Audio books Via Bluetooth. I have noticed that randomly the volume keep increasing which scary when that happens I turn them off and on again seem to work.

  2. How long charged hearing aids last? do they last from 7am till midnight and a bit over? I'm wearing hearing aids all day, everyday..sometimes overnight when needed..will those be working with me through all? thank you

  3. I bought a Livio Edge AI 2400 RIC headset 5 months ago, but until now I cannot use it. The sound is not clear and the sound is noisy. I went several times to the hearing center, but the same problem. I find it difficult. What is the solution? I want an urgent solution. The headset is expensive and I have not benefited from it yet

  4. Yeah I have the Starkey livio rechargeables which I bought mid 2020 and they have given me nothing but problems! They’ve even been replaced 3 times which Starkey has given my audiologist crap after the first time they had to replace them. I’m now done with Starkey and fighting for a total refund. My audiologist says they’re having trouble getting the products used to make the hearing aids since the pandemic but for $6,000 I shouldn’t be in my audiologist office every other week which is 35-40 minutes away from my house having them figure out what is going on with these things. Nope I’m done!

  5. Great review. I'm about to get my first set of hearing aids and it looks like I'm getting them from Starkey. Just doing my last little bit of due diligence before buying them. Great review with lots of great details about Starkey and their products. Love that Starkey products are made in the U.S.A.

  6. These hearing aids changed my life! I'm 40 and have a condition called alports syndrome that basically kills my nerve . I lost some of my hearing in my teens and progressively got worse. I was severe hearing loss the last 9 years. When I first got these it was kinda overwhelming but stress relieving at the same time. Now for the first time in 11 years I'm going back to full time work and feel better mentally than I have in years!

  7. I have the Livio Edge AI and I find that most of the features do not work. Fall Alert–I faked three falls and my wife never got the message. I received mine approx 6 months ago and not one feature I can get to work properly. The Thrive care does not work. I am told that the "Fall alert" has a way of testing to see if it works, without having to fake a fall. My Audiologist and Tech Support supervisors, do not know how to implement this. Translation is a lot slower than what you show on the video–doesn't work. Reminders: I set a reminder for three months ahead and I get the reminder every day and they don't have an end date. In many cases , I need to take ear drops for seven days every two months–this cannot be programed. I am told by Starkey that I should not rely on the fall alert, as this is not perfected. I didn't hear you say one thing that any of these features are not perfected. People buy and spend lots of money on these hearing aids only to be told "so What" they are not perfected and yet you talk as if everything works, with the exception of "translation". I have been told by Starkey technicians that since I have an iPhone, I have many ways to set reminders with the phone. I have trouble raising the volume to hear the TV. When I do this, I get feed back. I received three new hearing aids to try to prevent that and nothing worked. I was given the speaker and this works great. The problem with the speaker is if you get a call it shuts down and then you must turn it on manually in the app. If I receive a text message, that shuts it down also, and sometime it shuts down for no apparent reason When it works, it is great, unfortunately, more often then not it does not. I am told the TV streamer is difficult to get at this time and when they become available, I will receive one. Starkey solution to all these problems, is shut down bluetooth and you won't have calls or text messages. I have a question for you Dr. Cliff. Have you tried any of these features or accept what Starkey tells you. I would appreciate a response to my many concerns.

  8. If you need help with getting this to work, go get an eight-year-old child, Just received this brand of hearing aid from my local VA clinic. Really a great improvement over the old hearing aids that fit over my ears. Two comments: First: They can be recharged from a USB port on your PC. But, the PC has to be running or sleeping, and not in shutdown mode. Second: They come with a recharge device that you insert into an electrical outlet. Another comment is that mine came with a portable remote control device so I do not need a smartphone, which I do not have. I believe you told me about a product to rid me of ear wax, ear wax MD. Really works!

  9. I just wondering why you have to talk so fast? I mean, you are talking to people with hearing issues and some needs slow talking to understand the message. I'm a Norwegian with a hearingloss and your videos is by far the most difficult to follow and that's a pity because I'd really like to draw from your expertise.

  10. Android 10 above only? FAIL! Why would I trade a working phone to get to V10? Let's see, aid out of pocket (darn), and new phone out of pocket, and the aggro of migrating, all to make Starkey happy? Fail. Too bad, Starkey, sale lost.

  11. Great video!

    I wanted to ask a quick question if that’s okay? You made a comment that people will be buying these devices who don’t have hearing loss? Can I ask why that is? Just genuinely Intrigued.

  12. Dr.Cliff livio Edge AI2400 not recommended for android users , using mobile mic is really difficult after paying huge cost with so much expectation … I am returning the product … The bluetooth connectivity with any device should be improved

  13. The “EDGE” is only available in the i2400 with Starkey. The 2000, 1600 etc is only available as the Livio AI (no edge).

    Everything else is spot on and I really like these aids so much that not only do I fit a TON of these, I wear them myself.

  14. Question if you ultimately decided with an RIC model of this aid…I currently wear an IIC Starkey Soundlens…it I opted for the livio edge ai, would a HC provider make molds of the RIC portion so as to get a similar feel as my IICs? I’ve just noticed the dome models and honestly don’t think I’d like those? Also, so the custom ITCs fit pretty deep/snug in the ear?

  15. Dr Cliff. About a year ago you did a review on the Livio AI and you stated that the Bluetooth performance was sub-optimal. Has this been improved with this version? I’m looking to get a pair before the year end and I thought the Phonak P90 was the best choice. Now I am wondering….

  16. It is good to have connectivity and chargeability. But when we spend 4 to 6K on hearing aids, main goal is to have best sound, noise control and speech clarity. These features are missing from the review.

  17. Doc. I'm a young guy who needs hearing aids. But I also would like them to be totally hidden in the ear. I'm new to hearing aids and just starting my research. I'm looking for ones that have full bluetooth capability. Either store purchased or custom. Eargo look nice but do not have a built in mic for when on the phone. What other brands or models would you recommend?


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