Does Auditory Nerve Damage Cause Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss?

Does Auditory Nerve Damage Cause Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss? Nerve Deafness | Sudden Sensorineural Listening to Loss (SSNHL)

Does Auditory Nerve Damage Cause Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss?

When is my listening to loss fastened by surgical procedure? What’s Nerve Deafness? What’s Sensorineural listening to loss (SNHL)? What’s nerve harm? What is the share of listening to loss? Can listening to aids repair nerve harm?

#NerveDeafness #SensorineuralHearingLoss #SNHL #Tinnitus #HearingHealth #HearingDevices #HearingAids #HearingAidsTulsa #Audiologist #AudiologistTulsa #DrScottYoung


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Additionally, take a look at this video on “What’s a sensorineural listening to loss?” by @Hearit Aisbl



32 thoughts on “Does Auditory Nerve Damage Cause Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss?”

  1. I'm sensitive to loud sound, when it reaches my ear, my inner ear shakes .
    and when i hear sound which is exactly like hearing sound when I'm half sleep.
    And also my nerves are not good
    please recommend me medications and a health diet
    please help me I'm suffering very badly

  2. I was diagnosed with SSNHL 20 days ago after suffering from tinnitus for 12 days.
    I’ve taken high doses of prednisolone (starting from 80 mg), 3 Intratympanic steroid injections, and 10 sessions of hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

    Today I found slight improvement in my audiogram and the doctor suggested decreasing the medicine.

    Am I on the right track?

  3. I am suffering from it …i went to primary doctor he gave me antibiotics as he found there was infection after 3 weeks i got ENT ..and found that my right ear fail to listen anything below 90 becibel after hearing test….i got steroidal injection in my ear along with tge 10 days steroids course …can i be ok without surgery??

  4. Tinnitus and 100 % loss of hearing on my left ear , I’ve gone to 4 doctors and mri and ct scan all of them have said i need hearing aid .. but I’m on medicine for 3 months to improve it but who knows what will happen

  5. Lost my hearing suddenly left ear about 2 weeks ago, been on oral steroids over a week now.. very minor improvement. Sounds that do come though are "robotic".. and the pitch is off.. ppl voices like they're on helium. and ofcourse tinntis 24/7.. ENT will probably do direct injections in the next week.. has anyone had any luck with this? Still have some vertigo as well.

  6. This topic is very interesting, especially because it is something that can happen to all of us and it is always good to know a little more about what it is about and how to combat it or at least deal with it. Thank you for sharing your experiences and knowledge on your channel. Waiting for your next videos.


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