Best Tips for People Living with Sudden Hearing Loss

Best Tips for People Living with Sudden Hearing Loss.Mr. Cyplik particulars his expertise with a sudden listening to loss, and the collection of transtympanic infusions that restored his listening to. When you’ve got questions on sudden sensorineural listening to loss, contact Arizona Listening to Middle at 602.313.1747, or go to for extra data.


Best Tips for People Living with Sudden Hearing Loss

32 thoughts on “Best Tips for People Living with Sudden Hearing Loss”

  1. This is a promise I made to Dr Madida that if he can cure me of my Human papilloma virus that I will tell everyone about his great herbal service and truly he cured me with his herbal medications. Dr Madida is truly a great herbal healer.

  2. I did all of the treatments and timing of this video. I’m 5 weeks and two shots in and have recovered about 5% of my hearing. More work needs to be done to understand each cases cause instead of just throwing cortisone at it.

  3. I am 48. On 31/08/2021, after a short afternoon nap, I suddenly could no longer hear from my right ear. The conduit to the tympan had been swollen for a couple of days but nothing serious. I went to the ER and diagnosis was otitis (there was redness surrounding the tympan) with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drops for 5 days. No change. Went back to the ER. Now prescribed oral antibiotics for 5 days. Amoxicillin. No change. Finally went to my GP who diagnosed SSHL and immediately put on oral steroids by an ENT specialist for 10 days 60mg of Prednisone. I did get more flexibility in the ear but no change as to my hearing. Oral steroids were extended for another 4 days at the same dosage and tapered for 3 days. No change. First injection into the ear via the tympan. 1 week later no change. Audio still shows -60 to 80 db for lower frequencies and between -60db and -120db for higher frequencies. Now on a further 7 days of oral steroids, 60mg Prednisone. No change. Absolutely devastated. A buzzing noise in my ear outside when there is a lot of traffic. And it feels blocked.

  4. I’ve had sshl to my right ear for 3 weeks. Finished Oral steroids, and now on 2nd ear injection. I would like to know , how many people here with sshl have high cholesterol? I’m just curious.

  5. I lost hearing In my left ear after years of tinnitus. I was diagnosed with sensorineural hearing loss. At first I was given cortisone then an MRI for possible tumour. Then checked d’or Meunières disease. Eventually told nothing can be done.

    Same diagnose when I went to see specialist in Cuba.

    Overtime I’ve withdrawn socially as dining in restaurants or being with more than two people were difficult due to inability to follow conversations. I need to have the captions on TV and I can’t follow conversations with any background noise.

    People who mumble or have heavy accents are difficult to follow.

    I’m actually preferring my isolation.

  6. I'm 26 and last September I also lost my hearing. I was born deaf in my left ear, and one day I got a flu shot and woke up with SSNHL the next morning. Everything sounded distorted. I heard double voices, like a robotic demon sound paralleling over people's voices, music and all noise. Everything was just a garbled mess of noise and loud pounding with humming sound that stayed 24/7. It got worse for 4 days and eventually I had hyperacusis. Every noise brought me to my knees. Planes flying in the sky, peeing in the toilet/flushing the toilet, music, people talking; everything was too loud and made my head feel like it was about to pop. Not to mention that with all of this I had overwhelming vertigo.

    I got into my ENT after going to the ER, and was given prednisone. It cleared about slightly on about day 5, and a fter about 8 days it started to return to normal with slight sound sensitivity. It's been over a year now and (Thank the Lord) my ear is at about 100%. I have extreme PTSD from the situation and fear every day that the SSNHL will come back one morning when I awake. Even though my ENT has told me the chances of this coming back are almost non-existent. He said he's never seen a case of SSNHL "just come back" and that of all the symptoms I had, the hearing should be okay. We discussed the possibility of meniere's disease. Around october of this year I awoke with clogged hearing and bad vertigo, but NOTHING compared to what it was in 2019. He still doesn't suspect meniere's, but wants to run tests.

    How do you guys cope with the fears and anxiety that came along with it? Are you able to control your stress and live a normal life? If so, please give me advice.

  7. I sensed this in my ear and called a doctor after 2 days of clogged ear and worsened tinnitus. They gave me an appointment after 7 days. Doctor checked for wax, but that was not a problem. She ordinated 7 days of rest and the to checkup if there was a change.

    So 14 days after initial contact I met another doctor that, by my "suspicion of this thing I found on internet called sudden deafness" sent me to specialist the same day. They test me but say it's not worth putting me on oral steroids this late in (16days).

    20 days in I get a hearing test made that confirms partial hearing loss.

    26days later I meet a specialist again that repeatedly explains that steroids will no none or very little change. I insist because of my occupation. I'm now on my 3rd day with steroids and hoping for the best. Im a municipal employed guitar-teacher and professional musician in Sweden.

    I am grateful for the Healthcare we have here and I belive my case is amongst the the unfortunate few. However..I will be looking into private health insurance. Good luck to all of you.

  8. You have been lucky, thank you for your story. I lost my left ear two years ago, got one treatment but it is not going any better. I was a very sociable person before, and now I prefer not be in big groups.

  9. I hope my hearing comes back eventually. I did everything that was mentioned in the video. I seeked out medical evaluation within a week since it started and after multiple steroids (Both Oral and Tympanic injections and MRI which came back normal) still haven't recuperated my hearing. It's Sad yes, brain kind of adjusts after a while, tinnitus gets less noticable but still there. I'm closer to 4 months since it began and no change. Trying to get a second opinion just to make sure nothing was missed. But kind of dealing with the fact that it may be permanent and looking into cros hearing aids.

  10. I got this exact type of sudden hearing loss (not full hearing loss, just around 6000+ hz ) about 7 weeks ago and wasn’t able to get a proper diagnosis until this week from an ENT. He said nothing could be done at this time. Is that true? Can nothing really be done to restore all or at least almost all of my hearing?

  11. I lost my hearing in left and mild hearing loss in the right ear when i was 17 suddenly due to severe viral infection. Its been 6 years from the incident. Struggling ever since that day. I also have severe tinnitus which drives me insane. I am a bit envious. It would be better if my tinnitus gets in control. Just hoping for the best.. 🙂

  12. I'm too deaf for 10 years .
    Even God cannot cure this or He doesn't take responsibility of any mechanical diffect in your later life.

    He is only for punish us and put on to hell.

    That's all about His role .

    Thank you

  13. I'm currently suffering of this. Im going on my 4th week. Just received my 3rd and last cortisone injection. No improvement so far. MRI came out normal and there's is no explanation for my hearing loss. Here's hoping I just have to be patient and it'll come back eventually.

  14. Lucky you… I am happy for you and yes, slightly envious.
    I've lost hearing on my right side at 26, after a terrible flu that turned out to be only a trigger for an ilness called "cholesterol granuloma." It's been almost 6 years since then, and I still can't get used to it. Tympanoplasty hasn't helped to restore hearing.
    Constant tinnitus is driving me crazy, and it only gets worse with time.

  15. i lost hearing in left ear in January this year. it was sudden and i was shocked and anxious. i went to an ENT doctor and he diagnosed mild hearing loss in my left ear. my right ear is working fine. the hearing never came back i have moderate hearing loss in my left ear and it is due to damage to nerves in my ear. don't wait if you suffer sudden hearing loss get it checked immediately

  16. I had sudden deafness in my left ear 22 years ago. I wasn't diagnosed for about 2 weeks, and the subsequent steroid and other treatments only led to very minor improvement, about 5% hearing. I have continuous white noise in the affected ear, which in the beginning was very frightening, and I thought it may drive me mad. Now I don't really notice it until talking about it like now., your brain learns to ignore it if you just try to carry on with life and stop looking for a cure. So for anyone who has this, get treatment asap. but if treatment doesn't work, it is not the end of the world, you will be fine, just stay calm.

  17. I'm 22, and deal with tinnitus in my left ear from the aftermath of sudden hearing loss. Last September, just after my 22 birthday, I instantly went deaf on my left side while at the gym. I went to a doctor after work the next day who said It was simply an infection…one week later it was no better. So I went to my family nurse practitioner and she immediately gave me oral steroids', and got me to an ear nose and throat doctor who doubled the dosage. My hearing is back, however the tinnitus is bad at times and comes in waves depending on how loud things are, the louder the worse. I've lost my upper range of hearing as well…its frustrating to say the least.

  18. One week ago when I woke up. I lost my hearing. Same day I rush to doctor. He did his normal treatment and given steroid to eat. Aftet 4 days no effect. Than again I went and he send me for hearing test. Its showing that I have lost around 80 – 90 %.. Doc told me to continue with the same med. But no diff. I am 29 years old. Feeling so depreased. Its really effecting my personal and professional life. Feeling like loosing my confidence. Still hoping Good from GOD.


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