Kirkland Hearing Aids 10.0 Review | Physician Cliff Olson

Kirkland Hearing Aids 10.0 Review

Kirkland Hearing Aids 10.0 Review. Costco Listening to Support Middle Evaluation. Secret Purchasing Kirkland Signature 10.0 hearing Aids. Physician Cliff Olson, Audiologist and founding father of Utilized Listening to Options in Phoenix Arizona, sends his Assistant to a Native Costco Listening to Middle as a Secret Shopper to judge simply how good Costco Listening to Care Suppliers are at Treating Listening to Loss with their Costco Signature 10.0 Listening to Aids.

Costco Kirkland Signature 10.0 Listening to Support Evaluation: COMING SOON!

Finest Practices Video:
Finest Follow Guidelines:


29 thoughts on “Kirkland Hearing Aids 10.0 Review | Physician Cliff Olson”

  1. My experience with initial contact with Costco hearing was dismal. The person who took my call was so focused on her interview script that she was not actually listening to my responses. She was distracted by numerous interruptions from co-workers and incoming calls. I have watched your review of Costco hearing aides and I was seriously considering that. But that one phone experience with that person ended any confidence I might have had with Costco hearing. I have since made appointments with a well respected and experienced hearing aide business. Yes, I will pay more but I have much faith in this business. Every Costco Hearing shop is different and certainly the Modesto Costco Hearing phone contact is well below satisfactory.

  2. Hey Dr. Cliff – I find that getting tympanometry done really depends on the Costco you're at. In Canada, the Costco I got my hearing aids from has a board certified Audiologist who does tympanograms. What you should have said here is that it's more hit and miss depending on which Costco you go to. Others may just employ HIS, and others may have Audi's+HIS'.

  3. My wife had a hearing test at Costco and was satisfied with her test and it compared well with her audiologist test. She purchased a set of hearing aids at our local Costco in La Mesa CA and so far she is on her second set in less than six months and now they just went out again, she is waiting for Monday to get an appointment. So far she is unhappy with the performance of them. Sure she will get a new set again but she doesn’t find them reliable. We like to travel and is not good thing that they go out so often.

  4. My first hearing test was from my ENT when I first noticed hearing loss. I was thinking of getting my HAs there, but the wait would have been something like 6 months (and this was years before covid)! So for my first hearing aids I visited a couple of different highly rated audiologists in my town and selected one of them to get HAs. I was happy with the service, the device quality, and my hearing improvement, but I always felt like I paid too much for what I was getting (I think it was around $5000).

    A few months later while I was still in my return period I learned about Costco hearing aids, so I decided to switch. I’m glad I did. Really the only difference was the price. Everything else, and most importantly my hearing improvement, was pretty much the same as with $1600 HAs instead of $5000 HAs.

    But yes, there are hundreds of Costco hearing aid professionals and obviously they won’t all be great. The good thing is there’s a 180 day return policy so no penalty in giving them a try.

    I’m glad I went the more expensive route first, because if I’d gone to Costco first I might always have been wondering if spending more would have gotten me more.

  5. 2nd amendment stuff, too. It’s not the machine, it’s the operator. Semper Fi. I’ve been to a eye nose and throat doctor,several hearing people, and my doctor. I had an MRI done and it was negative. I tend to read lips. That didn’t do well during Covid-19, wearing masks. How good is the VA?

  6. So here is my thing with Costco here in Canada 🇨🇦 I am up for new hearing aids soon. I like the Kirkland 10. Do I part ways with my hearing provider? I always receive incredible service and can pretty much get in the same day if I have any issues. Is that service worth $4000.00? I called Costco to set up a hearing appointment. I got a recorded message with no call back after a day.

  7. I have Costco hearing aids and I kinda agree with you I’ve had hearing test done at locations where they’re supposed to be done right the one I had at Costco was not done the way that they were done but I accept it cost code and I got their hearing aids And I still got them but I don’t go in every two years for a check up or tuneup or anything else because it takes too long to get there so you got a point about Costco I mean they’re there for the money and just to get the people in and get them out

  8. Another point about Costco is that the physical setup of the space and the ambience is off-putting. The sound booths are microscopic. I accompanied my 90+ year old Mom for her testing and fitting and three people in the tiny room was completely claustrophobic. And there is no "waiting area" at all, only two chairs in the whole operation, and all kinds of ambient noise from being in the middle of a Costco store. Further, there is a large sign in the soundproof both stating the limitations of Costco's service—pretty much saying that we are not diagnosing medical conditions but just selling hearing aids. And if you come for a hearing test with any wax accumulated in your ears, they will not remove it. This drove my Mom crazy.

  9. Huh so that is why I had warbling with my Oticons? Oh well I don’t care that much. I kinda figured it was something like that. It was just one of the hearing aids I got to try and the Phonaks I also got to try were practically perfect so I figured why try to fiddle around with another pair when I was perfectly happy with the first pair. It’s not like my hearing loss is especially profound or anything.

  10. Oh honey you should see the tests I got for the military. My hearing loss went undiagnosed for years, and it was only til I was out and fed up with not hearing stuff and actively went out to get my hearing thoroughly checked out that I started to get some answers. To be fair I probably am hard to test too since I have a bit of tinnitus that I think muddies the tone test, and I also have low frequency loss with the rest of my hearing in the normal to good range. So despite having increasing trouble hearing people I can still pick out those super high tones that people think only those with good hearing can hear. Anyway. It’s been very emotional to finally have real hard data to explain why despite functioning compleatly normally otherwise I just couldn’t hear people speak. I thought it was my fault for not being able to focus on what people were saying, so having my journey finally end with my audiologist telling me that I need hearing aids was actually pretty validating despite it being a bit of a bummer. I’m just glad I can hear speech and conversations with my new Phonaks. It’s been a game changer. Sorry this turned into a real rant here, but I have had this undiagnosed problem for years and it’s finally being treated seriously.

  11. I am so sorry that I did not watch this BEFORE going to Costco and buying HA's; I had no way of knowing "best practices" and necessary tests (that were not performed. For example, my first tech told me his REM machine was not working, but it wasn't really all that important. I was never given any sort of word recognition testing, even though this has always been done in the past with actual audiologists. No test was done to check the HA out of the box. There was a distinct effort by them to sell me the Costco 10.0T, but very little instruction was given on how to use them. I didn't even know you could answer telephone calls with the HA. The HA's do not work with a double tap to my ear, but will work with pressing the top button. I have the "cookie bite" loss, and they did admit to never having seen a patient with such a loss. After buying and using the HA's, I did find that voice recognition was better than other aids I had tried, but that the quality of all other sounds, particularly music, was far worse. When questioned, my tech told me essentially, that HA's are designed to improve speech recognition and that I should just be happy with that. I have also learned that I have the wrong earpiece. Its open and causes a tinny sound. I was not taught how to remove it and clean ear wax out. All in all a disappointing experience and I cannot recommend them.

  12. I had COSCO’s Signature 10.0T fitted last month. I could not disagree more with you. My experience was fenomenal. I did have a certified Audiologist perform the initial exam and follow ups. I was never rushed. All my questions and much more was clearly explained. I did a lot of research before I had the exam and I am very happy with the results.

  13. I cant hear out of Costco hearing aids as they arent strong enough. I have a cookie cut hearing loss thats serve to profound and eventhough the price is way better I just cant hear out of them. Also when I got my test done I had none of the things I usually do Speech and sound testing (for background sounds) I need something that will allow me to work and hear the hearing world.

  14. Hearing aids are a personal thing and take a while to get used to them and by that time your audiologist will want you to upgrade after 6 years. Stick with what you have got if you are happy with your hearing aids. If you do change, it will be back to the starting line again. Keep
    your hearing aids away from water, even though they say they are waterproof.

  15. Excellent to the process and the problems of getting proper fitted. One very important point is the variability based on location (professional care) and equipment. I was fitted in a Southern California Costco of their top of the line KS 10-T. As a hearing aid technician not a Dr of Audiology, there is a script they follow is the key. Most of the bad marks failures Cliff mentioned did NOT happen with me. I had the benefit of this video, your info sheet on Best Practices and experience with being fitted with premium HAs before. I also had my previous audiograms to compare. Maybe Costco corporate updated their script after this review. Virtually all Best Practices were hit. So far, so good. And the compromise is a pretty attractive package. The KS 10.0 made an amazing result.

  16. Dr Cliff, you gave a fair assessment about the one experience with the local Costco store. You have excellent professional knowledge and putting your patients first. Myself as a consumer, $6000 to $8000 for a set of hearing aides in the private setting is not possible. So I became a Costco customer.

  17. Not my experience with Costco. Following the test at Costco, it was recommended I see a Physician. Not trusting the Costco hearing test, he performed another hearing test in his office with exactly the same results. It sounds like the issue here is not Costco per se, but the individual doing the screening.

  18. I have nothing but positive things to say about Costco. The provider really loves what he is doing and wants his clients to have a good experience with their hearing instruments. No question I had was silly and I had many. This Costco is in Maryland and I sent two of my friends there and they were quite happy. A full thumbs up for Costco.

  19. I went to an audiologist my doctor referred me to. I had a full exam, I took the results to Costco here in Maryland. The provider studied my test results and then went from there … he also was wearing the Kirkland Signature hearing aid and knew everything about the instrument, but showed me the other brands. He worked and listened to all my questions and concerns and I was in there for more than 45 min. I did go back two weeks later to see how I was doing with them. It has been 3 months and I go back next month for another follow-up. This provider loves what he does and is very anxious he do the best job for me. The only problem was how busy he was and getting an appt., is hard, he is so backup. I love my Kirkland hearing aids and feel like I am in a whole new world when I put them in every morning.

  20. The trouble is, my Phonak professional didn’t want to bother with my healthcare insurance. My insurance would have paid half if I had gone somewhere else.
    There is just too much price markup…

  21. so well done and thorough explanation and video on this subject shopping for hearing aid for my dad after being unsatisfied for years with his hearing aid services and what you explain here lent to some ideas of why that is possible. thank you again so much


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