Pairing AudioStream With an Android Device

Pairing AudioStream With an Android Device

Watch video about Pairing AudioStream With an Android Device above.

Before using AudioStream for the first time, you need to configure it. This video shows you how to do that with a compatible Android device. Before pairing AudioStream with your phone, download the latest version of the AudioKey 2 app and enable Bluetooth on your phone.

Make sure AudioStream is turned off by removing it from your audio processor. Open the AudioKey 2 app, press the menu in the upper left corner, and open connectivity options. Select AudioStream and then “configuration”.

If you have one AudioStream, select the side you wear it on. If you have an AudioStream on each side, select both left and right. Tap “next”. Then slide the AudioStream cover completely over your audio processor, place it next to your phone, and press “next”.

If it fails to configure, move the audio processor closer to the phone, slide the AudioStream cover off and on, and press “try again”. If you want to use AudioStream on both sides, repeat the previous step with your second audio processor.

Audio processor switched on

Leave the first audio processor switched on during this. Next, enter a username with seven or fewer letters. Only letters from the Latin alphabet can be used. Then tap “save”. If a “Bluetooth pairing request” screen appears, tap “pair”.

Repeat this for your second AudioStream, if you have one. Once it has paired successfully, tap “ok”. Exit the AudioKey 2 app, follow the instructions provided by your phone’s manufacturer to connect to a Bluetooth device.

Connect to AudioStream. AudioStream will connect automatically whenever it is switched on and your phone has Bluetooth enabled. Now you’re ready to start streaming music and phone calls directly to your audio processor!

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