Indications and Signs of Sudden Hearing loss: Dr. Ted Venema

Indications and Signs of Sudden Hearing loss. Dr. Ted Venema discusses the indicators and signs of sudden listening to loss and the significance of rapid therapy.


Indications and Signs of Sudden Hearing loss

15 thoughts on “Indications and Signs of Sudden Hearing loss: Dr. Ted Venema”

  1. Last week I lost my hearing in the right ear almost completely overnight. -60 dB… All I hear is rumbling, crackling, and a background noise, like the surf of the ocean and sometimes funny 'plinking and pinging' sounds. The specialist doctor put me on steroids (Medrol 32 mg). Six days later no improvement whatsoever. In six weeks I can get an MRI scan. In the meantime I panic, as I think time is playing against me. I fear I will never enjoy music again, which is a big deal for me.

  2. What a gentleman and how well presented, I just returned from a BAD ENT as it turned out that took my money without telling me up front they had NO treatment, they don't inject steroids into the ear as it does not work, was given no answers, no treatment, basically no hope for this sudden condition that i suffered 1 week ago. The medical people from start to finish were all horrible and very unhelpful, I had to kick down doors to get appointments through, the only saving grace was the audio test centre AUDIKA, Nick there moved heaven and hell endorsing the report Medical Emergency for me. Taking steroids now wait and see approach for something that doctors and reception staff should take much more seriously. Utterly disgusted with the LACK of health service in Australia – shame on every one of you lazy ass doctors and impertinent up front receptionists.

  3. I am a 24 yo man, 18th January i just woke up with incredibly high tinnitus, coudlnt hear well in my right ear, all day very dizzy, crazy. the worse day of my life!!
    Thankfully in the end, my hearing loss was not so vast. After 6000hz i go to 50 till 60 Db in my right ear… my left ear is going down to 30 till 40 in 8000 Hz. well that s the result of my last audiometry. i made some of them, the audition improved with time and i also took corticoid probably one week after it had happened.

  4. Good video. I lost my hearing on my right ear one morning 3 months ago. Out of blue.. I went to see an ENT doctor within 3 hours of the occurrence. I did take the steroid orally for 3 weeks. I did do the steroid injection to the cochlea while taking the steroid orally. They were all my very desperate attempts to get my hearing back.

    All failed to work. Now, after 3 months, my ENT says very likely that there is no hope going forward. She recommends Cochlear Implant.

  5. In comparison to before I used hearing loss solution “Kαmkαmfο tdα” (Google it), my hearing these days is definitely much better. It really works as descripted. Anything that I hear seems better. There`s been no changes in the loudness, however the sounds are absolutely much more clear than before. It`s like my brain can determine the sounds much better. I am content. .

  6. When compared to before I used hearing loss treatment “Kαmkαmfο tdα” (Google it), my hearing nowadays is certainly much better. The item does what it claims to do. Now, the clarity of my hearing is better. There`s been no changes in the loudness, however the sounds are definitely much more clear than ever before. In some way, it will make me think that my brain can determine sounds much better. I`m content. .

  7. My ears rang so much before that much of the time I couldn`t hear, however that was before I used hearing problems solution “Kαmkαmfο tdα” (Google it). This amazing guide has cut the noise down my more than half and I could hear better! Just starting but notice a little improvement after Two weeks on hearing. .


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