What Exercises Can I Do to Stop Ringing in My Ear?

What Exercises Can I Do to Stop Ringing in My Ear? One other instance of tinnitus (ringing in ear) attributable to a mechanical problem within the neck, which responds to directional desire repeated actions as decided by the McKenzie Methodology.


What Exercises Can I Do to Stop Ringing in My Ear?

24 thoughts on “What Exercises Can I Do to Stop Ringing in My Ear?”

  1. I got cured of HSV infections sexually with a herbal medicine I got from Madida herbal center, I never concentrated on my ear problem but afterward I requested for Tinnitus treatment which I got and used and it cured my Tinnitus issues.

  2. Dr I have tinnitus in my left ear due to exposure to high sound since 6 days is there is anything to do about I do not want it to be chronic please help me

  3. I am having Tinnitus since 3 months. I have consulted 3-4 ENT’s, There are various view points- It is related to Cold n Cough, Nerve weakness, or Unknown reason. Even I have tried the prescribed medicines but no effects.
    Also, I was having Cervical issue/Muscles spasm issues few months back (from March to October 2021). When this issue got relieved then Tinnitus got started in November 2021 in LEFT EAR only.
    Since last few days, I am experiencing Tinnitus in Right ear as well and which ever side I sleep I feel different sound with varying intensity.
    Please help what I need to do and what is the root cause?

  4. How marvelous it is to be cured of herpes virus and candidiasis, I never thought I would ever get well again. I recommend Doctor Madida medication because that is what cured me.

  5. Does the doctor call the tool a Cease Finder Retractor?

    Does anyone know if we can buy this tool ourselves?

    Also is there a step by step video of the stretches involved please?


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