20 thoughts on “Should I Use Hydrogen Peroxide Drop to Get Rid Pulsatile Tinnitus?”

  1. After my Mother passed, I started having vertigo attacks. The first or second time it scared me so much I went to the hospital. They tested me for a brain tumor, CAT scan. Then tested my heart, EKG. Fortunately nothing serious. But I was diagnosed having vertigo, a UTI, low in potassium, and dehydration. I took the prescribed medication and start doing EFT which cured it, thankfully.

    Yet after another highly stressful period, the pulsatile tinnitus started which is also scary because when I went to bed I would hear my heart beating in my right ear and what sounded like blood swooshing which is frightening. After researching online I started exercising – running on my treadmill and doing yoga. And making sure I was always hydrated. It eventually subsided.

    Then yet again, after another minor stressful period tinnitus set in one ear which the buzzing and cricket sounds were not stop. After much research, I found several ways to reduce it with music but it started to subside after using my humidifier one night and putting drops in my ear. If it comes back I am going to try hydrogen peroxide, although I would not recommend the brown bottle. I would recommend using food grade.

    Thanks for tip. 🙏🏽

  2. I would love to hear an update from the creator of this video how is the condition if it is completely cured or 80%? Thanks for the great advice and detailed video.

  3. Lady NOT cool telling people who suffer with pulsatile tinnitus this will stop the pulsing. This is used for clearing out ear wax. Rarely does ear wax cause pulsatile. If you’re looking for likes this is not the way to go about it. 👎🏻

  4. I just had an MRI/MRA today bc mine is so bad. I'm really hopeful your suggestion changes things! I love your channel. Thank you for mentioning this highly unusual condition. Most people have no idea what I'm describing. It has caused me to have great anxiety.

  5. Hi…. thanks for sharing your video. You described exactly what I am feeling at this time and trust when I say this is an experience that is making me anxious. I am so worried because it wakes me up. This tinnitus came out of nowhere. I would surely like to know the cause but taking to the internet is causing more anxiety for me as I read on. It's been horrible. Thanks for sharing. Oh…where are you from?


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