How long does it take to become an audiologist?

How long does it take to become an audiologist?

How long does it take to become an audiologist? (1st video) (Top) Dr. Jackie Smith Audiologist. Sound Relief Tinnitus and Hearing Center, Highlands Ranch, Colorado. Welcome to Designer Audiology! Let me show you around. Our entire office has been custom designed with your comfort in mind. After checking in for your appointment, relax in the waiting room where coffee, water, and wifi are available. The office is located on the northwest corner of Clarksville Pike and Maryland 216 in the Highland Crossing Complex. There is free parking in front of the entrance. Depending on the appointment, you may be seen in one or multiple rooms.

The programming room has state-of-the-art equipment for real ear measurements, hearing aid programming, bone anchored hearing aid fittings, and cochlear implant MAPping. Counselling also occurs in this room. Our smallest room provides specialized tools for ear wax removal and for taking impressions of the ears. The testing room has a sound booth for both pediatric and adult hearing evaluation. Balance testing is also completed in this room.

Being a Speech-Language Pathologist

Being a Speech-Language Pathologist is a great career. I train doctoral students in Audiology from different universities and it’s always rewarding to not only to train them but to learn from them. Being an Audiologist is fun, rewarding. And I love that Speech- Language Pathology was a very diverse field and financially stable field. And Speech Language- Pathology is very important because everyone has a right or need to communicate.

I’m inspired to know that I’m making a difference. I’m inspired to see the growth that my students are making. Whether your interest is working with kids or adults in a school or hospital setting or private practice there’s really something for everyone.

Getting to see the children grow and being able to see how their language is developing from infancy when they first come in to when they leave in the 3rd grade. They’re just chatting away and most of these parents maybe didn’t even think that was possible.

So when you get to have a conversation with a child who was born deaf that’s just amazing and so rewarding to know that I’m part of that process. >> My name is Julie Martinez Verhoff and I’m the Director of Audiology at the River School in Washington DC.

I train doctoral students in Audiology

As a mentor I train doctoral students in Audiology. Currently we have a doctoral student, Jennifer who is really great. She was diagnosed with a hearing loss when she was 5 years old. The students love when they come into the clinic and they see Jennifer and they see her hearing aid and they be like, you wear a hearing aid so do I.

You ready? It’s going to be on your left side. It’s so rewarding to see the children here. Once they get to the final grade, about 3rd grade and they leave and they’re mainstreamed, that’s amazing that they can go to the library and get a book by themselves, that they can pick up the telephone and talk to their friends and these children can do that.

They can sing. They can play the violin these are all exciting things and audiologists are a part of that. My job is really rewarding. I work in a rehabilitation hospital where patients are seeing improvements after an injury and it’s great to get to build a relationship with them over the weeks where they’re starting to see some improvement after what’s been a really hard time for them.

I’m Mackenzie Fama and I’m a clinical Speech-Language Pathologist at MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital. I’m on the stroke team so I work primarily with patients who suffered a stroke but I also have the opportunity to see patient’s on other teams such as traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury or cardiac rehabilitation.


No I’m going to have you look at this screen. A typical day for me is pretty unpredictable. My sessions are either 30 minutes or an hour so I may work with someone on their speech, someone with a swallowing disorder, someone with cognitive impairment and then someone with a language disorder.

I get to work very closely with occupational therapists, physical therapists, nurses, case managers, and physicians. We’re constantly collaborating to make sure that we’re giving our patients the best care possible.

I’ve recently taken the opportunity to become involved in a research study that’s looking at improving rehabilitation techniques for stroke patients, the same type of patients that I work with everyday in my job.

Getting involved in this study has inspired me to return for the PhD so that I can become more involved in research in my future career. I would recommend the field as Speech-Language Pathology to anyone who’s considering entering it.

It pulls from a variety of backgrounds and it’s so diverse that really you can do a lot of different types of things within the field whether your interest is working with kids or adults, in a school or a hospital setting or private practice.

There’s really something for everyone. There’s a lot of job security and I think that there’s a lot of opportunity for changing within your career throughout your lifetime. I chose to work with young children because throughout my career I’ve worked with birth through elderly but it’s the younger population the infants and toddlers were I get more joy because it’s the developmental stages and I’m making an impact that will last throughout their lives.

Speech Language

I’m Charles Coward, a Speech-Language Pathologist and Manager of Connections Therapy Center. I’m a Speech-Language Pathologist because I love working with children. I love seeing children grow and change and speech-language pathology is very important because everyone has a right or need to communicate.

Donovan is a wonderful little boy with a bubbly personality and inside of him there is the ability to communicate more consistently and I’m just trying to find out which door I have to unlock in order to open so that he can communicate effectively and efficiently everyday.

In Donovan’s session today, since he is a non-verbal child, we’re working on getting him to consistently use the sign for please and teaching him the sign for apple. Now that goes for apple, good.

To see where he came from and what he’s doing now and what he has the potential to do is just remarkable. In the future, I can see myself working in theatre or film teaching actors ways to improve their articulation and with more training I can also be a dialect coach to teach the dialects for character development.

Being an Audiologist is fun, rewarding. It’s challenging if you like problem solving, if you like working with people. It’s an excellent place to be. My name is Chizuko Tamaki. I’m an Audiologist at Professional Hearing Services in Falls Church, Virginia.

On a normal day I may be seeing a four week old baby doing a hearing screening on them or diagnostic testing on them. I could be seeing a 99-year old coming in for a hearing test and hearing aid. That causes me great discomfort.

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