25 thoughts on “What is the Simple Trick to Stop Ringing in Ears?”

  1. I am 15 i have tinnitus been 2 years everytime
    i sleep i just hear some cracking sounds in ear when i wake up more worst , just wanna ask something to u guys like when i was 14 i year ago like when i breath i heard my own breath differently like heard it more then when now i have tinnitus i hear it but a different am i the only one or 😔😔

  2. My tinnitus is caused by eustachian tube disfunction.When i do valsalva maneuver the tube opens and i dont hear tinnitus.But shortly after 10-15 minutes the tube is closing again.I hope my eustachian tube will open with time. 😟

  3. Thank you my man, I just started getting some tinnitus and your advice is really helpful for me to look into and also seeing people recover is also hopeful.
    Thank you <3

  4. Good stuff. I have subluxation in the shoulder. Affected the traps and neck muscles. Mine came on quick but like your methods. Will try all this. Have chiropractor appt tomorrow.


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