Why does it sound like there’s a helicopter in my ear?

Why does it sound like there’s a helicopter in my ear? I was lying down on my left side when all of a sudden my left ear was throbbed like there was a tiny helicopter inside. Freaked me the hell out. Never had this happen before. Ot lasted for 45 seconds but I wasn’t listening to anything. The only thing I can think of was that I’ve had my jaw lock before so I’m wondering the way I was lying down effected it.

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Why does it sound like there’s a helicopter in my ear?

Experiencing a fluttering sound in your ear, akin to helicopter blades or butterflies flapping their wings, can be unsettling. Let’s explore some possible reasons for this phenomenon:

  1. Tinnitus:
  2. Myoclonus:
    • Some researchers propose that middle ear myoclonus (MEM)—dysfunctional contractions of middle ear muscles—can cause fluttering sounds.
    • To diagnose fluttering in the ear, doctors assess symptoms and perform tympanometry (examining middle ear function and eardrum mobility).

Remember, while fluttering in the ear is usually not serious, seeking professional advice can help manage symptoms and improve your quality of life12.

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