How to Find Good Hearing Aids on a Budget: Expert Guide

How to Find Good Hearing Aids on a Budget. Discovering Good Listening to Aids on a Finances | ReSound Key. Dr. Cliff Olson, Audiologist and founding father of Utilized Listening to Options in Phoenix Arizona, discusses why it may be tough to seek out good reasonably priced listening to aids and what you are able to do about it.

How to Find Good Hearing Aids on a Budget

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41 thoughts on “How to Find Good Hearing Aids on a Budget: Expert Guide”

  1. While you always have good information on the technology, your idea of "budget" and mine are considerably different. After checking ReSound prices, I've gone back to doing research.

  2. Hi Doctor Cliff,
    I was recently diagnosed with high frequency hearing loss in both ears (left the worst) and will meeting an audiologist about hearing aids. Are these aids you spoke about a good choice for my loss? Thanks!

  3. I'm really struggling right now. I have Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss in my right ear but have been producing music for the past 3 years. I fear my production days have been severely slowed down if not halted due to this and wonder if there is any Hearing aid within reasonable price range for my specific purpose. I see that Widex Moment exists but unsure of how successful it will be compared to my left ear which is to this point perfectly fine.

  4. In the UK, store Specsavers , i bought their Advanced hearing aids because I found out they are bascially the Phanak Paradise range but under a different name saving me over 1k. Which I went to the Maldives with 😎

  5. My insurance covered the hearing test. The Resound Key RIE (Essential Level) with charger is $1,850, for the pair and the Audiologist fee is another $600. (Total = $2,450) This is the cheapest bluetooth with charger option that I know about.

  6. These are not budget friendly to people who live on very fixed incomes. There is no such thing as a budget friendly hearing aid. I have been researching this very subject for 3 years. It's a myth.

  7. What kind of hearing loss comes across to the hearer as gibberish? My wife may say a simple sentence, but the syllables sound muted and jumbled around?

  8. Hi, thanks for video. I don't have a Costco membership but I have a Sam's club membership. They carry "Liberty" brand hearing aids. What is your opinion on them? If possible, can you please make a video on them?

  9. Dr. Cliff thank you for this great service! If I weren't so far away I'd come to your practice! I'm retiring from a singing career at the Met after one more season & won't want to keep paying 6K for aids every few years! The technician at Costco suggested Philips Hearlink, but I'm wondering if their Resound Preza is a better choice? Don't know if it's as good as the Resound Key? Thanks in advance for your input!

  10. Question: There are certain frequencies that produce what I perceive as distortion in my right ear (also tinnitus in that ear), Will hearing aids be able to help that as well?

  11. can you still enjoy music with very mild hearing loss, I do have a dip in my hearing but it wasnt enough to have the audiologist panic and recommend hearing aids , but I am doing what I can to keep whatever hearing I have remaining and so it wont deteriorate further , I listen to music but on a very low level of volume and I still worry that I am further hurting my ears , after COVID subsides a bit and concerts are allowed I would love to go and see my favorite bands perform live( with ear plugs of course) ..can I still do all of this or do I need to give it up completely now that my hearing is being effected .

  12. Hi Dr. Cliff! This is a bit off topic for this video, but I need a quick response to decide which local audiologist to schedule a hearing evaluation and hearing aid fitting tomorrow. One does REM and is Dr. Cliff approved. But another looks well qualified and uses Live Speech Mapping. What is Live Speech Mapping and how does it compare to REM? Thank you very much!

  13. I’ve learned much from your videos. Thank you.

    The cost of hearing aids is depressing. You use words like budget conscious – the reality is the fixed poverty level income individual.

  14. The issue with android device streaming is, if you've a Dual SIM mobile. You can stream phone call with only the 1st SIM. 2nd SIM call will not be streamed. I tried this with ReSound Key 461 (Rechargeable, RIC)

  15. do you think you could review the innerscope hearing aid? i saw some on walmarts website and noticed is was alot cheaper but im not sure if thats for a reason.

  16. My two recommendations as an audiologist for people on a budget would be either the Starkey Livio 1200 RIC rechargeable or the Oticon Ruby 2 miniRITE rechargeable. The reason being a decent sound quality while maintaining a relatively easy connectivity to smart phones. Not sure how much it would cost in the US, but I would lean towards the starkey model.

  17. Hello Mr. Cliff. I suffer of moderate hearing loss at my left ear(-50 dB on average) and tinnitus. I had the oportunity to test Livio Edge Ai 2400 BTE and RIC and my tinnitus almost silenced. My question is: Is Livio Edge AI 2400 (inside the ear versions) as good as BTE and RIC versions, regarding the sound quality and tinnitus relief?

  18. Do you know if the Resound 1 hearing aid disables any features if you only have unilateral hearing loss? Does the Mrie receiver and sound localization features of the 1 still work if you just have a single hearing aid? Thank you

  19. The Phonak paradise and Oticon are $4k to $5k for the meduim HA's. Sticker shock. Can you do a video on other Good hearing aids from other vendors in the same price range as the Key? I just want a hearing aid that hears really really well. I don't go to noisy restaurants (and if I do I don't wear HA's) . I will live with my tinnitus.

  20. Hi Doc! Appreciate, as always, the way you introduce your videos, as if all your viewers are new on this channel. Even if I’m an older subscriber and saw some promoted content, I know that you do this for our benefit only, which is amazing. Keep up the great work!

  21. That's really great news Doctor Cliff! I've known many people who cannot afford premium hearing aids and I really love my ReSounds. I'm proud that the company has enables access to the masses. Thanks.

  22. Key also uses the newest receiver that has the better grip on domes like the ONE. For a “budget” option I have actually been reasonably impressed with fitting outcomes so far with this device.

  23. I was hoping this video would go more into the real-world and feature differences between the two hearing aids you compared. I get it was a sponsored video, but I enjoy watching even the sponsored videos because they educate me as a consumer and often cut through the marketing crap I could just get on the website. They also help me evaluate if an audiologist knows what they're talking about or if they're just trying to pull wool over my eyes.

    This video doesn't make me feel like an educated consumer.


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