Best Bluetooth Hearing Aids Review: Dr. Cliff Olson

Best Bluetooth Hearing Aids Review. Greatest Bluetooth Listening to Aids of 2022 | 3 High Rated Gadgets. Dr. Cliff Olson, Audiologist and founding father of Utilized Listening to Options in Phoenix Arizona, opinions the highest rated listening to aids of 2022 and why this listening to help know-how this the Greatest we have ever seen!

Best Bluetooth Hearing Aids Review

Greatest Receiver-in-Canal (RIC) Listening to Aids of 2022 –
Greatest Invisible in Canal (IIC) Listening to Aids of 2022 –
Greatest Customized In-The-Ear (ITE) Listening to Aids of 2022 –
Greatest Energy Behind-The-Ear (BTE) Listening to Aids of 2022 – Coming Quickly!
What are Greatest Practices? –
What are Actual Ear Measures? –


40 thoughts on “Best Bluetooth Hearing Aids Review: Dr. Cliff Olson”

  1. I had to return my Signa hearing aids as it would only connect to limited phones and tablets. they said I needed a Android 11 phone so I got one but it did not connect. I needed to buy one of the limited list that they had on their site.

  2. I have an appointment this week for ordering the Virto paradise p90 hearing aids.

    Update: the place I went to were too expensive. I have since ordered a pair elsewhere complete with remote control plus TV link. I’m severe to profound so I require the extra power half shell. I’ll update during August when I receive them.

  3. Hi I have a question I live in Ontario Canada and I am on disability pension and I am supposed to be getting to here it's called I believe the 333 but I need to know some information because I would like to know what options I will have with these I think there are only certain hearing aid that the disability pension pay for I don't think they pay for them all in Canada so I'm kind of worried on whether I'm going to get a good set that I can use the way I want

  4. I have a series 7 watch and OPN 1's. Anyone know of a way to stream audio from the watch to the hearing aids so I can leave my phone at home when going on walks? Seems I can control audio from the watch, but the streaming comes from the phone, not the watch.

  5. Update on Oticon More 1. Firmware update does permit two-way phone calls. But the phone is still needed to accept and end the call. Each hearing aide has a microphone and the one receiving the lesser amount of ambient sound is used to pick up your voice.

  6. Heretic!!! No closed caption? Eliminate the need for the closed caption? Good listener always complain how LOW I put the tv volume 😉

    Doctor Cliff, I was just joking. You're youtube clips are totally great. I'm really confident I'm listening to a scientific guy who's trying to deliver facts so I can make my own opinion with good facts. OUTSTANDING!!! Seriously, you did help me even if I'm living in Montreal Quebec. THANKS! If karma exist, you did good!

  7. Ok correct me if I'm wrong: Did Dr. Cliff mention that the Oticon More are LOCKED Bluetooths? They work with iPhone/Androids and they work with the Oticon ConnectClip and Oticon TVAdapter. Want to stream from a computer or TV? You have to buy the CC (at $210) and the TVadapter (at $180). 3rd party v5.0 Bluetooth devices for TVs, headphones and computers apparently won't work with the Oticon products, or at least not very well. I got one to connect and pair; but I walk away from the computer, I have to repair the 3rd party unit and the CC. For example, I can't listen/stream this video because halfway through, I went to the kitchen for a cup of coffee – I came back, no audio, no streaming. The Oticon app refuses to acknowledge the TV/PC bluetooth device.

    This should have been made very clear in this and in all Oticon More review and Bluetooth videos. Dr. Cliff talks a lot about "Locked" hearing aids (for programming) – as well he should. What about Locked Bluetooth devices like the Oticons? 2 TVs and one PC = 3x$180 = $540 to connect three devices for streaming (plus the cost of the CC). That's a load of horse puckey!

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  9. I am trialing the Oticon More with custom ear molds and I find the music streaming quality with Spotify to be excellent. Much better than with the Opn's I own using the Connect Clip. I do find it disappointing that I have to use the Connect Clip to hear directly into my More aids with my laptop, so Phonak has a plus with that capability.

  10. You and your videos are wonderful. One constructive comment. Can you add to your descriptions of "Best Bluetooth HA of 2022" which HA are receiver in canal or CIC or whatever as you go along. It is confusing to know which type of HA you are describing. Also applies to other videos. Gratefully yours, Dr. H

  11. Hello Dr. Cliff, could you tell me is there a high quality hearing aids models but without bluetooth function? I want to avoid unnecessary electromagnetic radiation. Thank you in advance.

  12. I have had the Oticon More 1s for a year and have lots of issues connecting to Android Phones. My hearing care provider has informed me he has multiple clients with same issues and Samsung support has informed me this is a known issue with Oticon hearing aids. I am on my second set and they are not much better 🙁

  13. Hello, I'm from Myanmar. I want to know many things related about Bluetooth hearing aids because I was wearing hearing aids on June in 2021. So, I want to know about Bluetooth hearing aids and is it better than the normal hearing aids?? I want to know how much Bluetooth hearing aids normal prices in UK?? Honestly, I have some problem when I wear my hearing aids because sometimes ,I can't hear well from IELTS listening Audio sounds. But I try to practice IELTS preparing and I'll join university in oversea. That's why, if I'll arrive in UK, I want to change hearing aids. I really want to know about Bluetooth hearing aids when I asked over.

  14. Hello doctor.. I really appreciate watching your videos and I am extremely impress the way you explain the hearing aids in more details… However I have a question regarding on my problem.. Hopefully you can really advise me on that..

    Current situation in my country, Malaysia, government has implement strict rules which is wearing face mask while traveling out due to Covid 19 pandemic.. That is when my nightmare starts. I have a habit reading lips and listening to people talking all the time. Right now when people ask me something or having a conversation with me while wearing face mask, I am able to hear but i cant really understand or catch up what exactly they are saying.. will you be able to advise me on how to solve this problem..??? Hope to hear from you soon..
    Thank you…

  15. Hi Doctor Cliff. Which hearing aid has the best music streaming quality. I have the oticon more 2 currently and it seems as if the right side distorts at the lower music levels.

  16. Hi Dr. Cliff. That is a very good question. I’m trying to figure that out. After 5 years (2016-present) with the Resound Lynx Quattro, I’m trying 3 aids : Starkey Evolve2400, Phonak Paradise P90 and currently testing the Oticon More but it is a demo pair. Just as my audiologist (who you know) predicted, I am not getting a clear winner. I was not impressed with the Starkeys though, so they are off my list. The Phonak was much better when listening to my playlist on Spotify but seemed I’ll fitting and a little heavier . The Oticons went in the easiest but we switched from a too large dbl dome to a tiny clear dome which I’m sure helped. I need to try the smaller dome on the Phonaks before final decision. Like that I can use both my iPhone and iPad with the Phonaks- though I didn’t realize this and wish they had a print book of info. So, kind of getting confused. Tks for any comments.

  17. DUDE !!!!
    I may be moving to Arizona!!!
    YOU know your “STUFF”
    I really appreciate your honesty !!!!
    Named your TOP !!!!!! N mentioned other brands !!
    AWSOME !!!
    Can I fly in after a phone consultation ??

  18. Hi Doctor Cliff, I am a hearing aid user for more than 10 years now, I was operated in my left ear before and my right ear have a start a problem on 2012. I am still lucky that my operated left ear hearing is still good with hearing aid, but for my right ear the sound I received is not clear, actually it hurts when I place any speaker or phone. But when I place the speaker on my cheek I can hear properly maybe because of the vibration. Any idea about this condition? Is in the US, do you have a bone condution hearing aids? I am from Philippines. Thanks and keep safe.

  19. I have BT in my Phonak Virto Q90 that I bought 8 years ago. These hearing aids connect to different BT devices that I own so that my hearing aids connect to when I get sounds coming from them. It's not new!

  20. Sure wish you had an office in the East Valley. I'm curious about the auto venting function of the Paradise model. If you are paired to a Bluetooth device and you pause the audio stream (like someone comes up to you and starts talking) will the auto venting open the vents?


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