Is there a Pressure Point to Unblock Ears? Acupressure for Ears

Is there a Pressure Point to Unblock Ears? acupressure points for all ear problems , hearing loss , tinnitus , ear pain , deafness – in hindi

Is there a Pressure Point to Unblock Ears?

DON’T MISS THIS VIDEO for Complete cure of ear problems , tinnitus , deafness :

Sujok therapy Points for ear problems

Acupressure Points For ear problems , tinnitus , deafness

Mudra for all ear problems tinnitus deafness
Shunya mudra

if you want to cure your any ear problems at home naturally , watch this video , you will get solution for all your ear related problems , like ear pain , tinnitus , Ringing in the ear , deafness , hearing problem , or hearing loss etc

here we are treating these ear related problems with Acupressure Points

you will learn eight Acupressure Points for ear problems , four local around ear , two in the hand , two in the foot
just press these eight Points for one to two minutes per Points , so while Acupressure Treatment for your ear problems finishes in just ten to fifteen minutes

location of these points are very easy to find , any one can learn these Acupressure Points For ear problems very easily and apply on self also or on others

these points are very effective Treatment for tinnitus , this condition is very troublsome , and difficult to Treat
tinnitus means continueous ringing sounds in the ear one or on both ear

these Acupressure Points For ear problems , tinnitus , deafness are totally harmless , require no medicine , need no money , you don’t have to go any where , you can just stay at home press these Acupressure Points For ear for your Treatment of ear pain , or tinnitus , ringing in the ear , or deafness


Disclaimer : These videos are only intended for informational purpose.Any information associated with these videos should not be considered as a substitute for prescription suggested by LOCAL beauty, diet and health care professionals.Viewers are subjected to use these information on their own risk.This channel doesn’t take any responsibility for any harm, side-effects, illness or any health or skin care problems caused due to the use of our content or anything related to this.

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