27 thoughts on “What Neurological Condition Causes Tinnitus?”

  1. this is a real doctor who knows his stuffs the whole freaking body ( not just memorizing the book and passing exam ) …. very rare doctor …. I wish he was my doctor … great doctor …i would say 1/1000 Md knows this basic stuff

  2. I was devastated, when I felt a sound on my ear, little do I know it was Tinnitus, for 5 months I couldn't concentrate on my driving as Taxi man, but am grateful for someone who led me to Dr. Gbenga and using his herbal mixture got me cured from Tinnitus.

  3. I never knew one can be free of tinnitus, until I came across Dr. Gbenga herbal medicine for tinnitus on YouTube, using his herbal medicine gave me a permanent cured, since 3 weeks now no more sound or what so ever symptom am totally free.

  4. Great explanation thank you so much. A little over a year ago I started experiencing pulsatile tinnitus, 5 months later I started having headaches on just one side of my head, I also have visual disturbances on that same side. So far I’m diagnosed with sigmoid sinus dehiscence. But we are unsure about why the headaches.

  5. I have had Both subjective and objective tinnitus. My husband was shocked when he first heard my Tinnitus because he didn't believe anyone could hear noises in their head. He became emotional when he realized I was truthful.. I also had TMJ. That is mostly gone. Nice video thank you.. I have had Tinnitus for over 55 years… I wish someone could help it to lower itself…

  6. @@Solutions for Tinnitus & Misophonia@@
    TINNITUS with Hyperacusis, Pulsatile TINNITUS, Sleeping troubles and Depression + Anxiety , MISOPHONIA can

    be cured altogether at the same time by these natural herbs as attached photo.

    I am Mr.Silence,from Taiwan.

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